Australia’s golden shower fetish has finally been sated for another four years, but the mess will last at least a week as we grapple with the one-off changes to daylight savings.
While the support response from vendors like Microsoft has been minimal, eBay gave up completely and simply decided to ignore the change.
I was strongly tempted by the eBay approach, but it seemed a bit hardcore to create my own official time. Instead, I’m taking the half-assed Microsoft approach and apologising in advance for being -1 to +1 hours incorrect with any meeting time this week. (Between work computers, home computers, EPG’s and Windows Mobile I’ve got no idea what time it is. Confusing things further I spent the weekend in Queensland where daylight savings is not observed at all.)
Inconvenient at first, the stupidity of this one-off change was only truly evident as we realised that only the final day of the Commonwealth Games calendar would have been affected. Even if athlete’s or spectators had forgotten to change their clock they would have been an hour early!